如火如荼的歐洲Intersolar展會首日參展人數再創歷史新高,展會第二天雙一力儲能展臺前依舊門庭若市。作為全球化戰略的一部分,雙一力儲能持續不斷在全球范圍內尋找有實力、有技術的合作伙伴展開雙贏合作。當地時間6月15日下午,Zing Energy與雙一力儲能在展臺上正式簽署了戰略合作協議。雙方將秉持互惠共贏的宗旨,開展海外儲能市場全方位合作,充分發揮各自優勢、拓展合作領域,構建合作和發展新格局。
??TheIntersolarEurope exhibition was in full swing on the second day, and the number of exhibitors reached a record high. The booth of Risen SYL was still crowded with people. As part of the globalization strategy, Risen SYL is continuously looking for competent partners to build win-win cooperation worldwide.Zing EnergyLimited,focused on renewables and energy storage for utility and C&Iprojects, has been invited to SYL's booth for the signing of a strategic co-operation framework agreement.Together with SYL, we are going tobuild a long term collaboration in energy storageprojects deployment globally.
??The escalating competition in the energy storage industry would be multi-dimensional, besides the product itself, localized service plays an important part, which also could be the decisive factor for success. We are confident to embrace globalized coverage and work on localized service, to bring the best user experience to all customers around the globe.